Meet Bradford Gainer
His Road to Success at AWP
Before joining AWP in his early 20s, Bradford worked in construction, detailed cars, and worked at a steel factory that closed after it went bankrupt. He joined AWP because he needed a job to support his then-wife, who was in nursing school. His plan was to go to college once she got her nursing degree. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and after their divorce he continued working at AWP to pay child support and support himself.
Bradford says that although he came to AWP because he just needed a job, he has stayed for 19 years because he loves the clientele, and AWP treats their people very well. “I may not see my co-workers, but I see my clients every day. They have become family. My relationships with them are what keep me here.” Bradford has a steady assignment with Dominion in the Canton/Perry area. He says they specifically request him, and he has been with them for 6-7 years.
A family Affiar
Bradford has referred many people to AWP over the years, including his own father, who was retired and looking for something to do. His father worked at AWP for 14 years until he was 77 years old and felt he couldn’t do it anymore. The two were partners for 6 of those years. Bradford says that recruiting older, retired people looking for something to do is a great idea, but to make sure they are up to the physical stresses of the job, which can be more difficult for someone rejoining the workforce later in life.
Bradford notes the current need for hiring more Protectors and stresses that training is an important part of onboarding. “When I started, we had class and then we worked with someone for 3 days before being on our own,” he explained. “ I think that’s the best way to train.”
AWP’s HERO referral program is a great way to help the company hire good talent and help yourself by earning a bonus for each Protector that successfully completes two consecutive weeks at AWP. There is no limit to the number of job referrals you can make, or the number of bonuses you can collect. If you have friends, family members or neighbors who are looking for employment, just submit a form to your Facility Manager. It’s a win/win for everyone.
Questions about the HERO referral program? Email
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