AWP Proud – Say it Loud
AWP team members take pride in their work and understand the important role they play in keeping our customers, the driving public, and other team members safe every day. During National Work Zone Awareness Week, we asked team members to post photos of themselves wearing orange gear on social media on April 28 with the hashtag #GoOrangeDayAWP, and you delivered.
Our winner, chosen by the most reactions and likes generated was AWP Field Trainer Dustin Bender from Region 5, Newark, Delaware, office 273. Wearing AWP orange t-shirts, Dustin and his five children – Garrett, 9; Raelyn, 7; Dinah, 6; Penny, 2; and Olivia, 4 months – posed proudly and wife and mom, Megan served as the family photographer. Dustin and Megan are celebrating their 10-year anniversary on June 4th,
Along with the photo of his family, Dustin posted the following on the Traffic Control Workers of America Facebook page as his entry, “My kids helped me spread the word about going orange for work zone awareness week. It’s not just about me and my kids. It’s about the countless people that work on the road. Give us a brake. We have loved ones that are depending on us to come home after our shift is over.”
As the winner, the family received an ice cream package as their prize to enjoy, and the story could have ended there, but it didn’t.
Dustin is a strong social influencer and engaged in another discussion with flaggers from across the country in the TCWA Facebook group. In an online conversation about current pain points affecting the industry — issues of pay and the general lack of respect for the ‘rules of the road,’ he steadily and politely held his ground and defended both the company and his profession. Dustin talked about his loyalty to AWP, and how he loved his job in traffic control. He shared his own journey as a Protector, and now field trainer and how he works hard to make his office and the work environment a better place. Other AWP team members also joined in to share their positive stories. He challenged the more vocal negative commentors to try to make improvements themselves by having a positive outlook and helping new team members.
“I feel that this is such an honor to be recognized for just trying to do my job and keep people thinking safety in everything we do at AWP,” said Dustin when congratulated on his win and thanked for his passion.
This is just another example of the loyalty and commitment AWP team members show every day. AWP thanks Dustin for sharing his honest opinions online and shining a light on the struggles many are currently facing to make ends meet and put food on the table for their families. AWP management DOES care deeply about all our team members and are currently reviewing the current pay and benefit structure. Together, we can make AWP a better workplace, for all of us.