
AWP Provides Detours While The District is “Dazzled”

History is being made in Cleveland’s Playhouse Square, and AWP is proud to be a part of it! Cleveland’s historic theater district has been completely transformed with new dramatic lights and video signage, elegant gateways, a huge 1920’s era-inspired sign, and the GE Chandelier, world’s largest outdoor chandelier!

AWP got involved with this tremendous renovation in October, 2013, redirecting traffic around construction and equipment as the bases for the archways were being set. Over the winter, construction in the district was put on hold, as many of the major elements were built out of state. Beginning in February of this year, the elements were brought into the district, construction and installation started back up, and AWP got to work protecting the work sites!

AWP closed Euclid Avenue from both directions, detouring traffic to allow the contractors to set up cranes in the road every night of installation, February through April. Using our type III barricades, more than 30 temporary traffic control signs, and channelizing devices, AWP rerouted traffic flow around the work being

done, safely, efficiently, and professionally. Additionally AWP provided 60 ADA-compliant pedestrian barricades to close affected portions of the sidewalk.

AWP crew members, Donald Jeffreys and Aaron Tripp, of our Oakwood facility, are proud to have been a part of the history of Cleveland as they provided traffic control throughout this project. Having witnessed the transformation from start to finish, Donald and Aaron said Cleveland’s Theater District now looks like a miniature Times Square!

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