
Recognizing National Work Zone Awareness Week

Team AWP, June 15, 2018
AWP teams recently joined in the celebration of National Work Zone Awareness Week April 9-13.

This year’s theme was Work Zone Safety: Everybody’s Responsibility, and the national event kicked off in the Chicago metro area.
Following a kick-off rally at the beginning of the week, AWP teams participated in engaging activities each day throughout the week to recognize and highlight work zone safety: 

Tuesday’s Own the Zone, Sign the Cone activity allowed teams to recommit to safe driving by signing and dating a reminder cone on display at each facility. 

Wednesday’s Go Orange Day was an especially popular celebration, when AWP joined other work zone professionals across the country in wearing orange. 

Thankful Thursday was a day to honor and thank all of our Protectors at AWP and recognize their contributions to keeping people safe.

 Flashback Friday recognized that we learn by remembering early perceptions and experiences about work zones.

“Of all the activities from National Work Zone Awareness Week, I would like to emphasize the message from Thankful Thursday,” said Kristina Schnepf, Chief Commercial Officer. “We truly are very thankful for the Protectors we have on our AWP team. Thank you for your diligence in being Protectors and helping keep people safe in work zones across the country all year long.”

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