SightLines Q1 2024
What’s Trending: Utility Spending
The U.S. power transmission lines and towers market is forecasted to grow at 4% CAGR from 2022 to 2027 – behind the global market’s 5.54% CAGR forecast. More U.S. investment is needed to keep pace with global standards for safety and reliability, connect renewable energy sources to the grid, and meet the public’s evolving power needs.Utility spending is an important topic in today’s landscape.
Investing in the Underground
To meet goals for electrification, grid modernization and reliability, TD World reports that 50% of electricity needs to be underground by 2040. The U.S. is currently at 20%. Significant additional investment is needed to address these trends:

Aging Infrastructure
- 70% of US Transmission lines are 25+ years old.
- Average age of large power transformers is 40+ years.
Source: U.S. DOE

More Intense Storms
- 7+ hours average duration of a 2021 power outage (up from 3.5 hours in 2013)
- Average age of large power transformers is 40+ years
Source: Scientific American

Insufficient Government Funding
- Only $5 million IIJA funds earmarked annually for transmission innovation projects, yet multiple states have under-grounding mandates.
Source: Grid Innovation Program
- Only $5 million IIJA funds earmarked annually for transmission innovation projects, yet multiple states have under-grounding mandates.

Increased Wildfires
- Core fire seasons are 78 days longer on average than they were in the 1970’s.
Source: Colorado Division of Fire Preservation & Control
- Core fire seasons are 78 days longer on average than they were in the 1970’s.
Thought Leadership: Developing Better Jobsite Safety Strategies

All establishments with 100+employees are now required to submit Form 300A annually, effective January 1, 2024.
Partners in Next Gen Safety
AWP Safety protects people who build and operate North America’s utility, broadband and transportation infrastructure. Industry leaders rely on AWP Safety innovations to enhance safety, reduce risk and improve operational efficiency.
View AWP Safety’s Q1 2024 SightLines Issue as a PDF.